Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex and the City

Let's start by my admission that I was not even planning to watch this movie. I've only seen the show sporadically, and don't think I've seen a single season the whole way through. (Luckily there's really no need for that.) But, my girl friends prevailed and to the theater I went. The movie starts pretty well, and I was reminded of why the show is so catchy (like a sugary pop-song you can't get out of your head). Of course, the wedding of Carrie and Big was expected, because even though this is a movie, it is supposed to be the culmination of the sitcom. And how else would it end except with a wedding? The girls have spent six seasons looking for, finding, losing, and keeping love. All the while being there for each other. We come full circle for all the characters, who incidentally seem like caricatures than anything else on the big screen.

*Mild spoiler alert

BUT, Big leaves Carrie at the alter. Or, rather, he doesn't even show up. I don't think there was a single person who didn't feel that sick feeling in the pit of their stomach while watching the scene where Carrie realizes that he's not coming. On some level, these girls have become our friends and an extension of who we are, and after watching them search for love for so long, watching that scene unfold is heart-wrenching. You can't help but feel for her.

AND THEN, Carrie gets her life back together (which is an impressive feat) but gets back together with Big! I suppose he really did love her and basically had what amounted to a case of pre-wedding jitters (um, why did he not have a best man or anything like that?) but he left her at the alter! I wasn't surprised, but was slightly disappointed in the ending. Though, I guess the better question is: how else could it have ended?

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