Monday, April 7, 2008

Pancake Mountain

There is a local cable television show here called Pancake Mountain. It's basically an excuse to involve little children in dance parties with miscellaneous indie bands. And it's possibly one of the most adorable things that I've ever seen in my life. I went to the Built to Spill dance party last year, and this past weekend was the My Robot Friend/JerBear party.

As the name implies, My Robot Friend would be categorized as electronica, and he performs in a light-up suit and helmet. In the dark. We were all given glow sticks so that we could rock out with the lights off. As the 10 to 15 six-year-old kids waited in anticipation, My Robot Friend took the stage. His helmet opens and about 30 ping pong balls fall out. The music begins as soon as all the ping pong balls hit the ground. A white screen is set up with a cartoon JerBear dancing about and little fuzzy animals getting impaled. But happily impaled.

As My Robot Friend's music starts, all the little kids start dancing in the dark while waving their glow sticks in the air. JerBear is dancing on top of a speaker with a light shining on him. Two of the kids join him on their makeshift stage and start doing the robot. Pancake Mountain only needs a couple songs, so My Favorite Robot just played a 20-minute set. I was overloaded in cuteness.

My Robot Friend - Robot High School

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